To: All NIE Student Teachers!

Love to sing Chinese songs?
Always wanted to have a stage for you to perform?
Aspire to have your own pool of audiences and FANS?
NOW, here is a chance for you to SHINE!
Stop hiding in the bathroom to sing while you bathe!
Step up onto the SHINE stage to show off your talents!
If you’ve got the PASSION for SINGING, we want YOU!
Cash prizes to be won!
Register @ $4 for both solos and duets!
Look for us at the C.L.E.A.R Club bazaar on 24th and 25th of January or SMS 82685277 to find out more! =]
Auditions will be held from 7 February to 11 February 2011.
试音将会在 2011年2月7日至2011年2月11日举行。
Please note that you (and your group member) will have to introduce yourselves (1 – 2 min).
The introduction, as well as audition, will be filmed for moderation.
Proudly brought to you by the 9th C.L.E.A.R Club Exco